Biyernes, Hulyo 29, 2011

"Yesterday's of broken dreams"

it was just as yesterday i got it all
my hands are full of riches i want
riches that i could ever imagine
but life sucks when the morning sunshine
shone it's beauty, that supposed to be my guiding light
but soon i realized it ended my dreams of having it all.

it was my night but that's night is over
over! as days pass and gone.
no chances no second choice,.
no turning back, just moving on
moving towards tomorrow's nightmare
nightmare of sadness and bended knees.

I got it all in my hands now
tomorrow it's not mine to handle
i got it without consent
now i lost it without knowing it
lost in just a glimpse of an eye
vanished like yesterday's of broken dreams.

"Faces of destruction"

when the heat of summer gone
the rain falls in wipe it all
when it ends, it's all gone
nothings left but debris of chaos
one by one adversities comes
don't hide just run, run! make haste.

when the destructive rain was gone
the cold wind of winter arises
asking for humanities tears for forgiveness
don't look back for you may stumble
go forward and change it all,
no one could do it better than you!!!

when winter is gone, look back what had happened
through human vices, world is on it's peak of destruction
do your part, do it now no one could but you.
lay hands, offer that help, change it.
life is short, and it might be shorter if no one move.
indeed no man could understand God wrath!, until it's all gone.

"Unrequited love"

Far from the distant land
trudging through this treacherous world,
searching for the balm in Gilead
healing the heart of love she denied

They fell in love,
left alone and decided to flee
run away she won't even look you back,
when she fell, she just simply knock my door.

still in the end she'll used you
deceive, make you believe
but all she wants to be back
to the hands she used to love..

Travel goes the distance might
but journey's seems to end in failures flight,
in the edge of giving up the fight
another hand just ended the night.

Night turns to a new beginning
the nightmare ended after so long
tomorrow's maybe free from doubt and cling
true love made us free,

Linggo, Hulyo 24, 2011

"Our Story"

There's something I have to say
just want to tell a story
not from any books of today
just the one that we play;
Though i don't even know where we are
all i know we are not that far
yet, not so close to that star
but we're on the move to win the war.

Not even a year that pass
barely even know when it was
it just started that fast
can't even imagine it will last;
halfway the journey, we took a test
challenged our faith to our best
moving ahead for another quest,
bridging the boundary of the west.

Don't know how to end our day
when we're together my world sway;
i can't tell you who are they
they just simply pass my way,
i can only recall in my memory
that in my world they are reality
vivid, this is far from my fantasy
My balm in Gilead to every malady.